Heidelberg, Germany
EMBO stands for excellence in the life sciences.
EMBO is an organization of more than 1700 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences. The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a European research environment where scientists can achieve their best work.
EMBO helps young scientists to advance their research, promote their international reputations and ensure their mobility. Courses, workshops, conferences and EMBO Press publications
disseminate the latest research and offer training in techniques to
maintain high standards of excellence in research practice. EMBO helps
to shape science policy by seeking input and feedback from our community and by following closely the trends in science in Europe.
EMBO Courses & Workshops
EMBO Workshops
Global Lecture Courses
Women in Science Lectures
Open Deadline
EMBO Young Investigator Programme
EMBO Global Investigator Network
EMBO Global Investigator Network
India | EMBO Lecture Course
India | EMBO Lecture Courses
EMBO New Venture Fellowship
EMBO Global Investigator Network
EMBO Installation Grants
EMBO Young Investigator Programme
India | EMBO Lecture Courses
India | EMBO Lecture Courses
Global Investigators
India | EMBO Symposia
EMBO Funding and Awards:Practical Courses
India | EMBO Symposia
EMBO Young Investigator Programme
India | EMBO joint symposia
ERS | EMBO Fellowships
Installation Grants
Short-Term Fellowships
Open Deadline