
Global Lecture Courses



EMBO Global Lecture Courses enable scientific exchange beyond European borders. They teach participants, primarily PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, about a particular topic in the life sciences. The courses should provide participants with background and underlying concepts, thereby making the topic accessible to scientists with diverse scientific backgrounds.

The lecture courses can include up to 120 participants and last between three and ten days to provide sufficient time for discussion groups, poster sessions and journal clubs.

They can take place in EMBC Associate Member States, in countries and territories with which EMBO has signed a co-operation agreement, or in countries eligible for support by EMBO and The Company of Biologists. Details can be found here.

To Apply

Applications for EMBO Global Lecture Courses are accepted twice a year and must be submitted through the online system. Organizers are advised to apply as early as possible in the calendar year before the proposed date of the lecture course.

Application process:

For more details click here

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