
EMBO Workshops



EMBO is looking to fund meetings that facilitate the exchange of top-level science. In addition, the following aspects are considered by the EMBO Course Committee: 

Scientific programme:

  • The programme should cover interesting and original topics or a combination of topics in breadth and depth.


  • Organizers are expected to apply with a confirmed list of speakers (at 90%). If speakers are not confirmed, the application will not be reviewed. 
  • The selected speakers should fully cover the proposed topic.
  • For meetings held in EMBC Member States (see list on page 3 of the application guidelines): at least 50% of the invited speakers should be working across a variety of European countries. The inclusion of speakers from Asia-Pacific, Africa and South America is strongly encouraged. The diversity of the speaker list (both within and outside Europe is an important criterion for the selection committee)
  • For meetings taking place in Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Singapore or Taiwan: at least 33% of the speakers should be from Europe. The inclusion of speakers from Asia-Pacific, Africa and South America is strongly encouraged. 
  • There should be a balance between leading researchers in the field and early-career researchers (maximally 7 years of independence) as speakers. Applications with a higher proportion of early-stage researchers will be viewed positively by the committee.
  • At least 40% of the speakers should be from the underrepresented gender.
  • While EMBO specifies certain targets of gender and geographic participation to promote inclusiveness and diversity in EMBO Courses and Workshops, we ask organisers to enable diversity across the spectrum, thus ensuring that EMBO Courses and Workshops are a safe, inclusive and welcoming learning space for all speakers and participants regardless of individual beliefs or characteristics.

To Apply

Applications for EMBO Workshops are accepted twice a year and must be submitted through the online system. Organizers are advised to apply as early as possible in the calendar year preceding the proposed date of the workshop.

  • The deadlines for applications are 1 March 2024 and 1 August 2024, 12:00 noon CE(S)T.
  • Applicants will be asked to complete an online application form and an offline application form: the online form for basic data, such as title, organisers, abstract, keywords etc. and the budget; the offline form as the main application form (in MS Word format) for detailed information, including speaker list and programme. The offline form must be submitted as a PDF via the online application system. The separation of the main application from the basic information will allow organizer groups to work together to finalise their draft.

Please review the most recent application guidelines (dated December 2023) for further details before submitting your application. 

For more details click here

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