Deepa Subramanyam
NCCS, Pune
This Meeting concluded on 10 March 2017. Read interviews with young PIs and mentors at the meeting, browse photos from the event and watch talks given by the meeting mentors.
The annual Young Investigators’ Meeting (YIM) brings together exceptional young scientists, senior scientists, heads of institutes, and representatives from funding agencies for 3 days of discussions and interactions focusing on science and careers in a broad range of disciplines of biology. The program features illuminating seminars, posters and panel discussions that focus on a wide variety of topics ranging from choosing the right research problem, publishing, personnel management, funding opportunities and mentorship. Senior scientists describe their own scientific journeys providing inspirational as well as amusing anecdotes about their experiences with establishing scientific careers.
YIM 2017 too gave an opportunity for participants to get a flavour of all the different components of YIM. There was a diverse assortment of research talks, which enabled the participants to absorb the best of all forms of biology. Eminent researchers from India and abroad were invited as mentors and speakers, who will not only threw light on their illuminating scientific careers but also told the audience about the journeys they have had. Other than scientific talks, there were a series of panel discussions on a wide range of topics: from setting up a lab and managing it; grant management, women in science and establishing collaborations (both inter-academia and academia-industry), and much more.
Since its inception in 2009, the YIM has established its brand in the scientific fraternity. The meeting has created a vibrant atmosphere for outstanding scientific discussions, the exchange of ideas for improving science in India, and catalysing friendships and collaborations between young Indian scientists. We also pair postdoctoral fellows (PDFs) and junior faculties (YIs) to promote new connections and facilitate a first-hand account of setting up labs in India.
At the end of the YIM, there was a one and half day Satellite Meeting that enabled our invited postdoctoral fellows to learn about jobs in India and meet Directors/Vice-Chancellors of institutes and universities from across India. Although YIM makes an effort to facilitate job searches for PDFs, it is not a job fair and the bulk of the meeting revolves around doing science in India and the mentoring of young investigators and PDFs.
Every year, the YIM is organized by a different committee, comprising of young faculty members from institutions across India. IndiaBioscience plays an administrative and advisory role in each year’s YIM.
The advisory board for YIM 2017 comprises of Ron Vale (UCSF), LS Shashidhara (IISER Pune) and Satyajit Mayor (NCBS).
For any query related to YIM 2017, please email us at yim2017@indiabioscience.org
NCCS, Pune