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PhD café: A virtual seminar series for PhD researchers in India

‘PhD café’ was a one-of-a-kind seminar series for PhD researchers life sciences across India; the series hosted ~60 pre-selected PhD researchers (in advanced stages of their PhD and close to graduation) to present their work to experts and the wider community in various fields of experimental biology.

JOYI: Journey of a Young Investigator

(2021−2023 edition)

This collection celebrates the stories of young investigators in attendance at the virtual YIMs (2021, 2022) and YIM 2023.

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  • Geeting past the Ph Dinish line Cover page

    Getting past the Ph(D)inish line

    The e-book, "Getting past the Ph(D)inish line: Challenges with, and interventions to better support, PhD experiences in life sciences in India," aims to address challenges that PhD researchers in the life sciences in India face, and it does so by offering a clear look at the difficulties they encounter during their academic journeys. At the same time, it shares real experiences and practical advice to help researchers overcome obstacles and make the PhD experience more rewarding.

    You can read or download this booklet from here. You can read the flip-book version here.

  • Cover art Vividh

    Vividh: Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity and Accessibility in science in India


    ‘Vividh’ is a compilation of inspiring and thought-provoking stories, interviews and insights on DEIA in life science research and education in India.

    Featuring opinions, first-person accounts, and perspectives from allies and advocates, Vividh discusses DEIA in science across a range of situations and experiences. The e-compendium also features a compelling foreward and collection of relevant resources for the community.

    The full e-compendium can be found here.

    The flip-book version can be found here.