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Getting past the Ph(D)inish line

Ankita Rathore

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The e-book, "Getting past the Ph(D)inish line: Challenges with, and interventions to better support, PhD experiences in life sciences in India," aims to address challenges that PhD researchers in the life sciences in India face, and it does so by offering a clear look at the difficulties they encounter during their academic journeys. At the same time, it shares real experiences and practical advice to help researchers overcome obstacles and make the PhD experience more rewarding.

You can read or download this booklet from here. You can read the flip-book version here.

Geeting past the Ph Dinish line Cover page
Getting past the (PhD)inish line

Content and Concept: Ankita Rathore

Writing and Interviews of PhD researchers: Debraj Manna and Lekha Bandopadhyay

Editing of the articles: Ankita Rathore

Proofreading of the compendium: Ankita Rathore and Karishma S Kaushik

Design, Illustration, and Layout: Moumita Mazumdar