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Spoorthi: Celebrating Indian Women in Science

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An eBooklet featuring resources for women in science in India, in addition to articles born out of conversations with several such trailblazing women. You can download it here.

Spoorthi: Celebrating Indian Women in Science
Spoorthi: Celebrating Indian Women in Science 

The word ‘Spoorthi’ in Sanskrit means inspiration, enthusiasm or spark. Celebrating this spark that each woman carries within her, we decided to put together an e-booklet featuring conversations with women from many different science professions and compiling resources that they may find useful. These conversations touch upon various ideas, issues, challenges, and experiences that are an intrinsic part of being a woman in science in India.

Featured in this booklet are articles on mentorship and harassment, leaky pipelines and bystander training, rewards of a scientific career and challenges of balancing science with motherhood, and finally, various suggestions on building an inclusive and nurturing environment for people of every gender.

In addition to this, the booklet also includes a list of grants and awards for women in science in India, a section on laws and redressal mechanisms for sexual harassment in the workplace, and a timeline featuring ten iconic women in the history of science in India.

We hope you will enjoy reading through this compendium that aims to celebrate Indian women in science and serve as inspiration for the young women of tomorrow.




Ten Iconic Women in Indian Science

