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Vijeta Raghuram

Program Manager-Education, IndiaBioscience. Assoc. Editor, i wonder... (2020-2024)

Vijeta did her PhD in biophysics at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad and postdoctoral research in molecular neuroscience at the Vollum Institute, Portland, Oregon, USA. Her strong interest in science communication and education drew her to IndiaBioscience, where she aims to grow the nationwide network of biology educators at the undergraduate level and showcase their experiences and opinions, and the latest innovations in pedagogy. She is also an associate editor of a bi-annual science magazine for school teachers called “i wonder…”, published by Azim Premji University. The magazine presents basic science concepts in a new light through storytelling, classroom activities, interviews, and more. Through her contributions to the magazine, Vijeta hopes to reinvigorate science education in schools.

vijeta [at] indiabioscience [dot] org