
Post Doctoral fellow

 Chennai, Tamil Nadu


Genome India project is a multi-institutional project funded by DBT. The project aims at performing whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of at least 10,000 individuals representing the Indian population in order to create a detailed catalog of genetic variations. We are a data science partner in this project. Our objective is to apply Machine Learning and AI for genome analysis, annotation and reference genome development.


1 year (3 month probationary period)


Rs.58,200 (consolidated)


Candidates must have completed their PhD in Bioinformatics/​related fields


  • At least two years’ experience working with whole-genome sequencing data analysis
  • Strong expertise in biostatistics and machine learning
  • Knowledge of graph algorithms, QTL/GWAS
  • Strong communication, data presentation, and visualization skills
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively

To Apply

Interested Candidates can email your CV to ibse.​iitm@​gmail.​com

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