
Junior Research Fellow / Project Assistant

 Sonepat, Haryana


Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow / Project Assistant. The position is funded by a SERB Core Research Grant (CRG/2022/006967) to Dr. Krishna Melnattur. The lab uses the fly Drosophila as a model to explore how brains generate adaptive behaviours. This project is focused on sleep including understanding how sleep is modified in response to environmental challenges and how sleep in turn supports plasticity and learning. For more info visit https://​mel​nat​turlab​.wee​bly​.co…

The lab uses a range of neurobiological techniques including genetics, molecular biology, immunohistochemical circuit tracing, functional imaging, and high throughput behavioural analysis. The position involves working closely with the principal investigator and lab members on all of these experiments, performing data analysis, and other routine lab tasks. The fellow /​assistant would also be expected to keep up with the relevant literature, participate in group discussions and occasionally present their work. If interested, the assistant / fellow could also aid in preparation of manuscripts. Interest and motivation to solve fundamental questions in brain science, excellent organisational skills, the ability to handle multiple projects and keeping of meticulous laboratory records is a must. Prior experience of working with Drosophila, studying behaviour and neural circuits is preferred but not required.

Candidates without NET/GATE qualification may be considered for project assistant post with compensation as per appropriate Government of India, Department of Science and Technology guidelines.


The appointment will be made for a period of six months with an option for renewal.


Fellowship amount is as per DST norms, Government of India guidelines. 


Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in sciences from a UGC accredited university. Additional qualifications for JRF are: Post-graduate or graduate degree with NET/GATE qualification.

To Apply

Interested candidates should include in their application:

1) A CV (with complete academic record and research experience, and names and contact information for two references)

2) A cover letter describing their career goals, research interests and what excites them about the lab’s work.

Applications should be emailed to the PI: Dr. Krishna Melnattur, Assistant Professor, Biology and Psychology, Ashoka University at krishna.​melnattur@​ashoka.​edu.​in. An initial screening to shortlist suitable candidates will be followed by an interview by a panel of scientists. The first round of interviews of short-listed candidates will be conducted around the 7th of August 2024, but applications can continue to be sent in after that.

Note: Mere fulfilment of qualifications/​experience requirements does not entitle a candidate to be called for the interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview and will be informed by email. They believe strongly in a diverse and inclusive environment. Candidates from historically marginalised backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

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