Small Meeting Grants
The Company of Biologists →
The Company of Biologists will consider applications for a grant towards the cost of running a small meeting within the fields of our journals. This would normally be a small budget, local meeting. Applications for support for aspects of large meetings will not be considered for a Small Meeting Grants. Applications should include the title and location of the meeting, full details of costs, other sources of finance already obtained or applied for and any other relevant details. The following criteria is required for funding:
• Level of funding not exceeding £400
• Total meeting budget not to exceed £1,000
• Meeting to take place on one day
• Meeting not to be part of a larger meeting or organisation
• Only one application per year can be made
• Funding will not be made retrospectively
Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications should be emailed to You will be informed of the decision within four weeks of receipt of your application.
To Apply
Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications should be emailed to You will be informed of the decision within four weeks of receipt of your application.