
Webinar on Machine Learning & Deep Learning Applications In Astronomy & Biology

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Event Details

MANAV- The Human Atlas Initiative’ is a citizen science project by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. Co-funded by Persistent Systems Limited (PSL) and implemented through National Centre of Cell Science (NCCS), Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER) and PSL, Pune, this initiative aims to construct a comprehensive biological map of the human body. It will detail macro to micro-level scientific knowledge through collation of available information and data in various domains. Further insights to the project are available on Manav website at https://​man​av​.gov​.in/.

Who can attend the webinar?
Students, Teachers, Industry Professionals and all science enthusiasts

Date: 2 July 2020

: Prof. Ajit Kembhavi, Professor Emeritus, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics(IUCAA), Pune

Time: 3 PM to 4 PM

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