Aishwarya Segu
10 Women, 10 Questions: Anupama Raj
Aishwarya Segu
Posted on in Education, Networking, School Education, Education
Sustainable mobility: A public health imperative for urban India’s future
Aishwarya Segu & Ankita Rathore
Integrating art and science to rethink education
Aishwarya Segu
Posted on in Education, Science Communication, Science, Teaching, Personal Experience, Science communication
Water has its course: A unified scientific and social approach to tackle the water crisis in Bengaluru
Aishwarya Segu & Ankita Rathore
Frugal science: A lab on paper
Aishwarya Segu
Posted on in Biochemistry, Health & Medicine, Undergraduate, Interdisciplinarity, Education
Climbing assay: A cost-effective way to investigate neurodegeneration in an undergraduate laboratory
Aishwarya Segu
Posted on in Neuroscience, Undergraduate, Research, Education
A novel link between brain development and autism linked to a transcription factor, Tlx3
Aishwarya Segu
Posted on in Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Research
Can our brains age before us? Decoding brain ageing with neuroimaging
Aishwarya Segu
Can the deeper study of protein structures help us tackle antibiotic resistance better?
Aishwarya Segu
Posted on in Health & Medicine, Cell Biology, Genetics, Research
Exploring the potential of psychedelics in treating anxiety
Aishwarya Segu
Posted on in Health & Medicine, Cell Biology, Neuroscience, Research