
Junior Research Fellow/​Senior Research Fellow

 Bengaluru, Karnataka


Development of Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED) fly model.


Children in low to middle-income countries are continuously exposed to enteric infections, resulting in diarrhoea and malabsorption of nutrients, which ultimately lead to poor growth and stunting. This phenomenon is called EED and we want to develop a fly model to understand what role early life malnutrition plays in this phenomenon. Like the human gut, the fly gut is continuously regenerated.

Hence, an attempt to find how early life nutritional insults persist in adults to influence gut properties such as ability to deal with enteric infections, nutrient absorption and motility, in flies.

Project start date: 1 August, 2019


18 months


Commensurate with degree and research experience.


Two positions (post MSc or BSc) are available for this project.

To Apply

Please write to apply directly at http://​tdu​.edu​.in/​c​a​r​eers/ with a CV and a cover letter detailing why you are interested in the position. Expected qualifications: can be from any biology stream, research laboratory experience a plus, training in fly biology will be provided. Advertisement will be open till positions are filled.

For details check here.

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