

 Bengaluru, Karnataka


The Archives at NCBS are putting out a call for an experimental 3 – 4 month residency at the Archives at NCBS. They see archives as vibrant spaces that can engage with people from different disciplines. And Archives want to hear from you — writers, techies, artists, curators, academics, lawyers, teachers, some other profession that better fits you! Tell us how you may want to build, interrogate or use archives.


3 — 5 months


Total of Rs1.5 — 2.5 lakhs for the duration of the residency, distributed through monthly pay.

To Apply

Application Process:
(a) All interested applicants should apply through this online questionnaire: https://​bit​.ly/​a​r​c​h​i​v​e​s​-​n​c​b​s​-​r​e​s​i​dency
(b) Those selected from this questionnaire will be asked to make time for a 45-minute interview slot (in person or Zoom).
(c) Final short-listed candidates will be required to provide names of two relevant referees who will be contacted as a final step in the process.

First Submission Deadline: Oct 23 2022

Second submission deadline (in case we don’t fill positions): Oct 30 2022

For more details click here – >

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