
Senior Editorial Assistant

 Bengaluru, Karnataka


Application are invited for the post of Senior Editorial Assistant at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


The positions are for a period of 1 year and may be extendable to one more year with an annual increment of 2% depending upon requirement and satisfactory performance


Rs. 60,000/-


  • Essential: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in any discipline.
  • Desirable: MS/​MBA/​PGDM/​PhD



  • Minimum of 5 years of demonstrated experience in science writing or journalism, editing and copyediting content for web and print publications.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication, and organizational skills.


  • MS/​MBA/​PGDM/​PhD with proven experience in science writing, editing, and publishing, preferably in an academic institution or publishing house.
  • Experience working with archives/​archival material and record-keeping. Experience in organizing seminars, workshops, and outreach events.
  • Proven capability to work in a dynamic team on tight deadlines.

To Apply

  • Candidates who are desirous to be considered strictly on the aforesaid terms and conditions may send their application by email to chair.​ooc@​iisc.​ac.​in with the subject line as Application for the post of ____________________” on or before 12.01.2022.
  • The application should include the following documents:
  1. A cover letter making your case for the position.
  2. A CV with details of academic qualifications, work experience, and publications.
  3. All applicants except to the post of Library Trainees should attach copies of 3 — 5 published articles.
  4. The applicants for the post of Junior Editorial Assistant and Senior Editorial Assistant are expected to submit the evidence for managing diverse projects related to editing, writing and record keeping, and one writing sample (preferably published).
  • The shortlisted candidates will be informed through e‑mail about date & time of interview. Candidates are advised to provide correct information in their online application for the same.
  • The electronic mode of interview (Zoom Call/​Microsoft Team) will be intimated to the candidates in advance. However, the candidates are advised to be prepared to give interview in all the medium mentioned here, and to appear in person, if so required. In case the interview is held in-person, no TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
  • Candidates may please ensure that they are fulfilling all the above — mentioned criteria prior to registering, failing which, their candidature is liable to be rejected/​cancelled.

For more details click here

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