
Project assistant and Ph.D. positions

 Bengaluru, Karnataka


A project assistant and Ph.D. positions are available in the group of Dr. Jayashree Nagesh, Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB) Bengaluru to work on the projects

  1. Ab initio characterization of excitonic site energies, site-site and protein-site couplings in photosynthetic light harvesting complexes using fragment operator methods. The student will be trained in electronic structure methods, vibronic spectroscopy, mixed quantum-classical dynamics, biomolecular structure, weak interactions and fragment based methods.
  2. Estimating the free energy contribution of NCIs in secondary structures of proteins. The student will be trained in electronic structure methods, vibronic spectroscopy, mixed quantum-classical dynamics, biomolecular structure, weak interactions and fragment based methods.
  3. Photoprotection and weak noncovalent interaction networks in crystallins. The broad aims of the project will be to investigate photoprotective pathways in aromatic amino acid clusters in gamma-crystallins and to characterize the cooperative role of weak interaction networks in local structural stability in such proteins.

Meritorious and enthusiastic candidates may be considered for the IBAB-PhD program based on their willingness, suitability, and eligibility. Selected candidates may also avail on campus hostel accommodation.


The project assistant position will be offered initially for 6 months and based on performance and satisfactory progress; the position will be extended until project funding is available. 


Remuneration for project assistant is based on qualification, experience and IBAB norms. For the Ph.D. position IBAB offers a select few fellowships to exceptional candidates as per the institute norms. The exact details of the Ph.D. application procedure will be sent to the screened candidates after receiving the filled form below.


Master’s degree (or Equivalent) in Chemistry or Physics or Biology (with chemistry and physics as allied subjects) with an inclination towards exploring biological problems.

Students should have at least 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA from a recognized university. Students with research fellowship from any central/​state government agencies such as CSIR, UGC, DST, DBT etc would be preferred. The candidate must have had mathematics up to 12th standard and must have had some programming experience.


Applicants are required to have a physical chemistry background. Experience in coding and molecular dynamics simulations is highly desirable, minimal background in biology is sufficient.

To Apply

Project assistant position: Interested applicants should send a cover letter outlining their motivation and a CV that clearly demonstrates relevant expertise and skills as a single PDF file to jnagesh@​ibab.​ac.​in on or before April 30 2024.Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Please include names of two referees in your CV.

Ph.D. position: Please fill the form at… on or before April 30 2024. Please also visit https://​www​.ibab​.ac​.in/​c​a​reers… positions-leading-to-a-phd-degree/ and https://​www​.ibab​.ac​.in/​c​a​reers… position-in-computational-chemistry-biology-at-ibab-investigation-of-photostability-of- crystallins/​for more details.

Interview for shortlisted candidates for project assistantship.

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