
Project Assistant-II

 Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala


Quantifying Substrate transport in membrane proteins using microfluidic assay


Transport of proteins, small molecules, and ions across membranes via channels is an essential process in biology. Notably, membrane proteins like ion channels, porin channels and transporters form one of the major targets for drugs. Consequently, sensitive methods to quantify substrate or drug transport rate across membrane proteins are of significant interest. In this project, a microfluidic chip based assay will be developed to visualizes drug transport directly across membrane proteins, by observing the drug molecules themselves via their auto‐​fluorescence under varying parameters like membrane potential.


1 year


Rs 15000 (consolidated)


Qualification as M.Sc Biotechnology, Biochemistry and biophysics.


Basic lab experience and theoretical knowledge of liposomes/​membrane proteins.

To Apply

Walk-in interview. For more information click here.

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