
Project Position at thsti

 Faridabad, Haryana


Project : Investigating the effect of viral infections on zinc homeostasis as a cause of permeability barrier disruption in polarized epithelial and endothelial cells

PI : Dr. Guruprasad Medigeshi

1. Research Associate

2. Senior Research Fellow

Project : Translational Research Consortium for Establishing Platform Technologies to Support Prophylactic and Therapeutic Strategies for Dengue – Discovery to Proof-of-Concept.

PI : Dr. Guruprasad Medigeshi

1. Virology Research Fellow


1. Research Associate – Upto Rs. 70,000/- (Consolidated)

2. Senior Research Fellow – Rs.35,000/- + HRA (For candidates who have qualified any national level fellowship or entrance examinations for JRF selections)

3. Virology Research Fellow – Upto Rs. 60,000/- (Consolidated)


1. Research Associate:-Ph.D in Biological Sciences with at least one first-author publication in a peer-reviewed journal indexed in Pubmed.

Desirable Experience:-A minimum of two years experience in virus research and animal cell culture work.

2. Senior Research Fellow:-Post Graduate or Professional degree in Life Sciences/​Veterinary Sciences.

Essential Experience:-Minimum two years of research experience in virology/​cell biology with training in animal cell culture.

3. Virology Research Fellow:-Post-graduate degree/​Professional degree in life sciences from a recognized University or PhD in the area of human/​veterinary virology.

Experience:-Minimum 5 years’ experience in human or veterinary virology.


1. Research Associate

Desirable Experience:-A minimum of two years experience in virus research and animal cell culture work.

2. Senior Research Fellow

Essential Experience:-Minimum two years of research experience in virology/​cell biology with training in animal cell culture.

3. Virology Research Fellow:-

Experience:-Minimum 5 years’ experience in human or veterinary virology.

To Apply

Interested candidates fulfilling the criteria as mentioned above may walk-in for interview on 31st October at 9.30 am at THSTI, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, 3rd Milestone, Faridabad-Gurugram Expressway, Faridabad — 121001 


  1. All educational, professional and technical qualification should be from a recognized Board/​University.
  2. The experience requirement specified shall be experience acquired after obtaining the minimum educational qualifications required for the post.
  3. There is no upper age limit for the Institute employees who are treated as departmental candidates.
  4. Outstation SC/ST/ PwD candidates called for the interview/​skill test/​interview will be paid to & fro second class railway fare, as per Govt. of India rules on production of the proof of the same.
  5. All results will be published on our website and all communications will be only through email.

For details check here.

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