

 Pune, Maharashtra


Establishment of Centre of Excellence for National Centre for Microbial Resource (NCMR)


Applications are invited for the following posts to be filled purely on temporary basis at NCCS, Pune in the project Establishment of Centre of Excellence for National Centre for Microbial Resource (NCMR)”


Total Monthly Emoluments: Rs. 50,000/-to Rs. 1,00,000/-depending upon educational qualification and experience.


Ph.D. Degree in relevant subject and minimum post qualification experience of 20 years in the requisite field or Retired Government employees with (i) Grade pay of Rs. 10,000/-and above & (ii) at least 25 years’ experience in the required domain field would also be eligible for this position.


Desirable: At least twenty years’ experience of working in the management and administration of culture collection activities with in depth knowledge of one or more of the following:

A)Managing the activities of microbial culture collection
B)Establishment of International Depositary Authority
C)Management of Cell repository
D)Handling, preservation and characterization of anaerobic organisms
E)Design and supervision of construction of a laboratory for any of the A to D.

The consultants will be required to establish SOPs and protocols for the group of organisms mentioned above and also advise in the construction of the laboratories in the proposed new campus of NCMR.

To Apply

1)Applications in the prescribed format duly filled in along demand draft and attested copies of all relevant certificates showing date of birth, qualifications, experience, details of the exam passed (SSC onwards), caste certificate, if any and other relevant documents should reach to The Director, National Centre For Cell Science (NCCS), S. P. Pune University Campus, Post: Ganeshkhind, Pune –411 007, Maharashtra, India on or before 24.07.2017.

2)A demand draft of Rs. 100/-(excluding SC/ST/PH candidates) should be drawn in favour of Director, National Centre For Cell Science towards application fee and sent it with application form.

3)List of shortlisted candidates called for interview, date and time of interview & other relevant information will be published on our institute website. The candidates should check the website periodically for updates.

4)Applications received after the due date/​due to postal delay and/​or without the copies of the required certificates/​documents will not be considered. 

Applications which are incomplete and/​or not in the prescribed format will be strictly rejected.

5)The Director, NCCS reserves the right to enhance /​reduce the number of posts and also cancel the recruitment process.

6)Additional percentage and experience cut off will be applied during the screening process with the approval of competent authority, if required.

7)SC/ST/OBC candidates must produce proof of their caste certificate from appropriate authority. In addition, OBC candidates must also produce latest/​valid non-creamy layer certificate in the prescribed form for claiming the reservation benefits.

8)Age & Experience will be relaxed in exceptional cases by the Competent Authority.

For more information information click here.

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