
Faculty Positions at School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University

 New Delhi, Delhi & NCR


The JNU has openings for faculty positions for Indian Nationals & Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) at the level of Professor and Associate Professor. Applicants with good academic record, teaching/​research experience and working in related areas of research are encouraged to apply for the following positions in the School of Life Sciences.

Apart from teaching, the appointed faculty members are expected to establish their high standard research laboratories, and generate their own funding for running the lab by writing competitive extramural research grants from the National and International funding agencies, and contribute to School and University Administrations.

  1. Professor of Neuroscience/​Cognitive Biology {PwD (B, LV)}: The faculty member would teach courses of Animal Physiology and Neuroscience for M.Sc./Ph.D.
  2. Professor of Molecular Biology (UR): The faculty member would teach core course/​s of Molecular Biology, and teach optional courses in the chosen area.
  3. Associate Professor of Animal Developmental Biology (OBC): The faculty member would teach core course/​s of Developmental Biology and optional courses in the chosen area.


Professor: Scale of Pay: (Academic Pay Level-14) Rs.1,44,200/- Rs. 2,18,200/-

Associate Professor: Scale of Pay: (Academic Pay Level-13A) Rs.1,31,400/- Rs. 2,17,100/-

Plus other allowances and benefits as per the UGC rule.


Professor of Neuroscience/​Cognitive Biology
Ph.D. and post-doctoral research experience in the relevant area of Neuroscience as evident from high quality publications.

Professor of Molecular Biology

M.Sc. in Life Sciences or any allied discipline of biological sciences. Ph.D. and post-doctoral research experience in one or more of the following: Nuclear architecture; Chromatin organization and dynamics; Cell signaling: Non-coding RNA; Transcription; Genomic regulation; or other emerging areas in Gene regulation as evident from high quality publications.

Associate Professor of Animal Developmental Biology
M.Sc. in Zoology/​Life Sciences or any allied discipline of Animal Sciences. Ph.D. and post-doctoral research experience in the area of Animal Developmental Biology as evident from high quality publications. The faculty member should teach core course/​s Developmental Biology and related courses, and teach optional courses in chosen areas.


Professor of Neuroscience/​Cognitive Biology

Desirable expertise: M.Sc. in any branch of Biological Sciences with animal physiology as a subject. Research experience in Cognitive biology/​computational neuroscience/​brain disorders/​neurochemistry/​behavioral neuroscience/​or other emerging areas in Neuroscience as evident from high quality publications. A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty member develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences

Professor of Molecular Biology

Desirable expertise: Evidence of teaching in the relevant areas. Research experience in high throughput technologies/​functional genomics NGS/RNA Seq/large-scale proteomics/​Mass Spectrometry. A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.

Associate Professor of Animal Developmental Biology

Desirable expertise: Evidence of teaching in the relevant areas. Research experience in the regulation of animal development using any animal model at organismal/​tissue/​cellular level; Or other emerging areas in Developmental Biology as evident from high quality publications. A short research proposal outlining your future research plans must be submitted as part of the application. It would be expected that incoming faculty members develop new or complementary research areas to that currently being pursued in the School of Life Sciences.

To Apply

Eligible candidates may apply online in the JNU website https://​www​.jnu​.ac​.in/​c​areer. Details of eligibility criteria, position number, and instructions for online application are given in the advertisement.

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