
Project Assistant

 Bengaluru, Karnataka


Understanding the epigenetic regulation of gene expression during early embryogenesis and stem cell differentiation


A project assistant position funded by ANRF is available in the research group of Dr. Srimonta Gayen, Department of Developmental Biology and Genetics, IISc. The Gayen lab studies the role of epigenetic regulation of gene expression during development and disease (https://​sri​mon​tasd​.wixsite​.com/​g​a​y​e​n-lab).


Initially for one year with the option of extension.


As per the institute norm. 


Candidates with postgraduate degree in bioinformatics / life science are welcome to apply.


Prior experience in basic bioinformatics, Python, R, RNA-Seq analysis Chip-Seq analysis etc. will be extremely valuable. 

To Apply

Interested candidate can send their application to srimonta@​iisc.​ac.​in with a detailed CV, cover letter and contact details for two referees.

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