
Research Assistant – Biology

 Bengaluru, Karnataka


Azim Premji University invite applications for the role of Research Assistant — Biology.

The role involves working on the project — Role of soil microbiome in shaping above ground vegetation diversity across urbanisation gradient.


As a Research Assistant of Biology you will be:

  • Analysing literature on soil microbial organisms.
  • Conducting review of existing literature on soil microbial organisms.
  • Writing and preparing material for a manuscript.
  • Guiding and mentoring undergraduate students.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Biology.
  • Master’s degree in Biology/​Biochemistry/​Ecology is preferred but not mandatory.


  • Experience in soil microorganisms or a special interest in them is preferred.
  • Basic lab experience such as DNA extraction and PCR analysis will be preferred.

To Apply

Please email the following documents to openpositions@​apu.​edu.​in with the subject line​“Application for Research Assistant – Biology”:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter
  • Completed Application Form

For more details click here

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