
PhD Programme in Biological and Life Sciences

 Gujarat, India


The PhD Programme in Biological and Life Sciences at the School of Arts and Sciences of Ahmedabad University provides a lively exchange with experts from across the academic disciplines and various global partnerships, and the programme grants access to state-of-the-art
laboratories. The scope of the division’s research spans pure and applied
biological sciences ranging from ecosystem to molecules’.

Areas where positions exists

  1. Species, Climate Warming, and Evolution
  2. Behavioural Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Computational Neuroscience
  3. Behavioral Ecology and Wildlife Biology
  4. Molecular parasitology
  5. Forensic Science and Toxicology
  6. Animal Behaviour and Disease Ecology
  7. Systems Biology and Evolution
  8. Cancer Biology
  9. Structural Biology/​Biochemistry/​Bioinformatics
  10. Plant Biology
  11. Nanobiotechnology

To Apply

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