PhD Programme in Biological and Life Sciences
The PhD Programme in Biological and Life Sciences at the School of Arts and Sciences of Ahmedabad University provides a lively exchange with experts from across the academic disciplines and various global partnerships, and the programme grants access to state-of-the-art
laboratories. The scope of the division’s research spans pure and applied
biological sciences ranging from ‘ecosystem to molecules’.
Areas where positions exists
- Species, Climate Warming, and Evolution
- Behavioural Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Computational Neuroscience
- Behavioral Ecology and Wildlife Biology
- Molecular parasitology
- Forensic Science and Toxicology
- Animal Behaviour and Disease Ecology
- Systems Biology and Evolution
- Cancer Biology
- Structural Biology/Biochemistry/Bioinformatics
- Plant Biology
- Nanobiotechnology
To Apply
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