Workshop on BioImaging: Advanced Light Microscopy
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Event Details
“Building Bharat-Boston Biosciences (B4) Program”, is a program funded by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India as a second phase of the earlier “Boston Bangalore Biosciences Beginnings (B4) Program”. The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University (Mittal Institute), is collaborating with IBAB, Bengaluru, India and IISER, Pune, India for the implementation of this program.
AboutB4: The aim of B4 is to link up Institutions in India and Boston to promote research and creation of new knowledge in Biosciences through collaboration between the two countries, in the emerging areas of Biosciences. The activities to be carried out under this programme include two workshops annually, each spanning for two-weeks (Young Scientists Development Course) on topics related to Biosciences that includes interdisciplinary learning for young scientists of India. The Workshop on Bioimaging: Advanced Light microscopy is one such workshop.
Further details on B4
About the Workshop: The advent of exciting new technologies and analytical solutions light microscopy is driving new discoveries. The aim of this workshop is to introduce students to advances in contemporary light microscopy throughlectures and hands-on training in imaging modalities ranging from basic microscopy to super-resolution imaging.
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