
Biological Mass Spectrometry-2022

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Event Details

Sophisticated Analytical and Technical Help Institute (SATHI) at Banaras Hindu University, which is supported by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India (SATHI-BHU), is going to organize a 5‑day training program on Biological Mass Spectrometry-2022” from 27th June to 1st July 2022 (poster attached).

The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with an understanding of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (Orbitrap high-resolution mass spec) and its utilization in analyzing proteins and metabolites. The workshop includes a judicious mix of lectures and hands on experiments on the basics of LC-MS, including sample preparation, data acquisition, quantification strategies and hands on data analysis.

Resource Persons:

  • Dr Rakesh Singh, College of Medicine, Florida State University, USA
  • Dr. Medicherla V Jagannadham, Former Chief Scientist, CCMB, Hyderabad
  • Dr. Ashok Giri, Senior Principal Scientist, NCL, Pune

Eligibility Criteria:
Persons holding permanent position in any academic or research organisation with experience /​interest in the application of Mass Spectrometry as evidenced by their published research work.

Interested applicants should provide their brief resume along with list of relevant publications and details of sponsored projects during last 5 years along with a 100 – 250 words write up on how the proposed training will be useful to your ongoing/​future research.

Please also mention if any unit of LC-MS or MALDI-TOF/TOF system is available in your institution or in your city. If yes, mention make and model of the instrument.

Fees: Rs.10,000 for the participants from BHU and Rs. 20,000 for participants from outside BHU. (excluded accommodation)

Last date of receiving application by email (mauryavivekkumar@​bhu.​ac.​in) is 4th June 2022 at 11:59 pm. It would be nice if you publish this upcoming event on your website so that it can reach out to the researchers across India.

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