IndiaBiostreams: DBT’s Initiatives on Waste to Value
DBT Webinar Series
In the sixth webinar by the DBT, we were joined by DK Tuli, DBT-IOC Centre for Advanced Bio-Energy Research, Himachal Pradesh, Sangita Kasture Scientist ‘F’, DBT, AK Rawat Adviser, DBT, and Sayed Shams Yazdani, ICGEB, New Delhi in a webinar on DBT’s initiatives on transforming waste to value.
These webinars are conducted with the aim to promote biotechnology by reaching out to a larger audience. This includes students, young researchers and scientists from across the country, especially those from the remote regions. The webinars will provide a virtual opportunity to engage, stimulate interaction and appraise the scientific community of not only the latest schemes and programmes of the department and also keep them abreast of current research trends by domain experts.