
IndiaBiostreams: DBT — the journey so far.…

DBT Webinar Series

Dr Renu Swaroop, Secretary, DBT, and Dr Meenakshi Munshi, Adviser, DBT, inaugurate the monthly webinar series from DBT under the Bio-connect program which aims to promote Biotechnology by reaching out to a larger audience.

Dr Renu Swaroop, Secretary, DBT, and Dr Meenakshi Munshi, Adviser, DBT, join this inaugural webinar series from DBT which aims to promote Biotechnology by reaching out to a larger audience. This includes students, young researchers and scientists from across the country, especially those from remote regions. The webinars will provide a virtual opportunity to engage, stimulate interaction and apprise the scientific community of the latest schemes and programmes of the department and will also keep them abreast of current research trends as analysed by domain experts.


0:00 Welcome and Introductions

4:32 Dr. Renu Swaroop’s address

20:38 Audience poll 1 (getting to know the audience)

23:40 Dr. Meenakshi Munshi’s address

26:63 Genesis of DBT

27:16 The vision and mission of DBT

30:13 Funding mechanism through the competitive grant management system

32:22 Capacity building programmes

34:37 Audience poll 2 (DBT schemes for building capacity)

38:10 SAHAJ programme

38:51 Startup India programme

38:38 Some success stories / new programmes

39:46 Programmes for healthcare

41:53 Programmes for farmers

44:10 Swachh Bharat — clean and green India programmes

44:56 Regulation and guidelines

45:33 International collaborations

45:46 Autonomous institutes and PSU’s

46:51 Concluding remarks

47:21 Audience poll 3 (Were you aware? and engaging with the DBT)

50:30 Q & A