Big Data Makes Sense Only in Light of Theory: Examples from Ecology!
Event Details
‘MANAV-The Human Atlas Initiative’ is a project funded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, co-funded by Persistent Systems Limited (PSL), and implemented through the National Centre of Cell Science (NCCS), Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER-Pune) and PSL, Pune. This initiative aims to develop a proof-of-concept for constructing a biological map of the human body, by capturing and collating macro to micro-level data and knowledge available in the scientific literature and other domains.
- Webinars in this series are OPEN to ALL.
- The webinar will be conducted over ZOOM (
- The invitation link for the webinar will be sent by email to the registered candidates.
- We have a participant capacity of 100 seats. Therefore, only the first 100 registered candidates who log in, can attend the interactive session.
- If you are unable to join the ZOOM session, you can still watch the live streaming of the webinar on the MANAVYouTube channel.
- The recordings of all the previous webinars in ‘MANAV- Data Science Webinar series are available on MANAVYouTube channel.
For more details check here.
For more details check here.