
Research Associate

 New Delhi, Delhi & NCR


SARS-CoV‑2 spike protein S1 subunit in muscle atrophy and neuromuscular junction program in type‑2 diabetes: A molecular approach to understand the neuromuscular complications in COVID-19 in comorbid conditions


Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate I (RA‑I) at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.


The Project will continue till April 2026. The above-mentioned positions are completely temporary and are co-terminus with the project. However, the fellow can be terminated anytime (immediately) if unsatisfactory progress or any scientific misconduct observed.


INR 58,000.00 + HRA or as per MoE-STAR guidelines.


Ph. D in Life Sciences or any branch of Life Sciences /​Biotechnology.


Desirable: Research experience in the area of molecular biology (cloning and expression), gene expression (RT-PCR and immuno-blotting), cell signaling, animal tissue culture, animal handling and genome editing with at least one publication in peer-reviewed SCI/SCOPUS journals.

To Apply

Applications (soft copy only) are invited from suitable candidates to apply by sending a cover letter detailing experience, with CV, reprints and names with complete address (including e‑mail) of two references on or before December 06, 2024 by e‑mail to: — vikasyadav@​mail.​jnu.​ac.​in

For more details click here

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