TWAS-UPM Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme
The World Academy of Sciences
- TWAS-UPM Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable in the departments, institutions and laboratories of the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for a minimum period of six (6) months to a maximum period of twelve months and are awarded to young scientists from developing countries (other than Malaysia) to enable them to pursue advanced research in the natural sciences.
- UPM will provide a standard monthly allowance which should be used to cover living costs, such as accommodation and food.
- The language of instruction is English.
Applicants for these fellowships must meet the following criteria:
- be nationals of a developing country (other than Malaysia);
- must not hold any visa for temporary or permanent residency in Malaysia or any developed country;
- hold a PhD degree in a field of the natural sciences;
- apply for the fellowship within five years of having obtained a PhD degree in a field of the natural sciences;
- be regularly employed in a developing country (other than Malaysia) and hold a research assignment there;
- provide an official Acceptance Letter from a department, laboratory or institute at UPM (see sample Acceptance Letter in the application form). Requests for acceptance must be directed to Mrs. Chek Zan Kasah, Senior Deputy Registrar / Head of Administration, who will facilitate assignment of a host supervisor. In contacting Mrs. Chek Zan Kasah, applicants must accompany their request for an Acceptance Letter with copy of their latest CV and a short write-up of research proposal (maximum 3 pages);
- provide evidence of proficiency in English;
- be financially responsible for any accompanying family member.
To Apply
Submission of application:
- The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 September of each year.
- Applicants should submit the acceptance letter from a UPM department/laboratory to TWAS and UPM when applying or by the deadline at the latest. Without preliminary acceptance, the application will not be considered for selection.
- Reference letters: Referees must send signed letters as attachment via e‑mail directly to TWAS and UPM. The subject line must contain: UPM/ PDoc/the candidate’s surname. Alternatively, letters should be sent by post in sealed envelopes. Only signed reference letters can be accepted.
- Applicants to the TWAS-UPM Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme should send their application to TWAS (by email) and UPM (by post and email).