
Industry Relevant R&D

Science and Engineering Research Board



The objective of the scheme is to utilize the expertise available in academic institutions and national laboratories to solve industry specific problems for the larger benefit of society


(i). Academic Partner

  • Indian citizens residing in India.
  • The academic partner must hold a regular academic/​research position in an academic institution or national laboratories or recognized R&D institutions.More than one academic partner may be allowed.

(ii). Industry partner

  • All industries (including MSME & industrial R&D Centers) are eligible.
  • More than one Industry and or more than one Investigator from one Industry can be associated in a project.

To Apply

How to apply online:

For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted: 

  • Academic partner should first register into the online website click here to register
  • After log-in, go to Menu –> Proposal Submission –> Form Submission. Select scheme Industry Relevant R&D (IRR)” and Click on Start Submission” Button. 
  • No Registration is required for industry partner.
  • If you have a CO-PI(in case of more than one academic partner) in your proposal, then ensure that your CO-PI is also registered into the system and has filled Profile Detail section under User Profile which includes Bio-data, Photo, Institute Address etc.
  • Some of the details of your proposal like Project Title (max 500 characters), Project summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Objectives of project (max 1500 characters), Expected output and outcome of the proposal (max 1500 characters), Budget (Manpower,Consumables,Travel, Equipment, Contingency, Overheads ) have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Break-up of whole budget (including industrial share) is required to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Other relevant information of the proposal has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB as other technical document (OTD). Download Template

Complete guideline for Principal Investigator for SERB-online system

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