Biotechnology Career Advancement and Re-orientation programme for women scientists (Bio-CARe)
Department of Biotechnology
To enhance the participation of Women Scientists in Biotechnology Research, the Department of Biotechnology announces the Call for Proposals under the Bio-CARe scheme for women scientists. The programme is targetted towards Career Development of employed/unemployed women scientists. The scheme is open for all areas of Life Science / Biotechnology (including agriculture, veterinary science and medicine).Age limit for application has been kept as 55 to ensure maximum impact.
The programme aims at providing support for Research project grants to women scientists (employed & unemployed) for whom it is the first extramural research grant (Women Scientists who have received any earlier grant from any Government Funding Agency as Principal Investigator are not eligible). The purpose is to build capacities for women scientists so as to help them undertake independent R&D projects. It would also be a good opportunity for Women Scientists who have had a Career Break to get into the main stream of research.
(i) M.D/M. Tech /Ph. D/Equivalent degree in any branch of Life Sciences.
(ii) Women Scientists who are employed or unemployed or are desirous of coming back after a break.
(iii) Women Scientists for whom it is the first grant. (Women Scientist who have already availed any grant as a Principal Investigator from any Government Funding Agency including WOS
-Women Scientists Scheme (A&B) and Fast Track Scheme of DST are not eligible to apply).
(iv) Women Scientists upto 55 years of age
To Apply
Interested scientists may submit their proposal through e‑Promis portal of DBT ( For further assistance contact Dr. Suraksha S. Diwan, Scientist ‘D’, Department of Biotechnology, C.G.O. Complex, New Delhi – 110 003. Email:
Details of the scheme (guidelines) are at DBT website and Project Proforma is at