
Webinar on Mitochondrial Genomic Networks: Methods & Applications

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Event Details

MANAV — The Human Atlas Initiative presents Data Science — Webinar Series’

Speaker: Dr. Sarika Jalan, Professor at IIT — Indore

Time: 4 — 5 PM (IST)

Registration Link:https://​bit​.ly/​3​C​RwNPx

1) Webinars in this series are OPEN to ALL. 

2) The webinar will be conducted over ZOOM (https://​zoom​.us/).

3) The invitation link for the webinar will be sent by email to the registered candidates.

4) If you are unable to join the ZOOM session, you can still watch the live streaming of the webinar on the MANAV YouTube channel.

5) The recordings of all the previous webinars in MANAV- Data Science Webinar series are available on MANAV YouTube channel.

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