
The Search for Alien Life in our Galaxy

Event Details

  1. This talk is Free and OPEN to ALL. 
  2. The talk will be conducted over ZOOM (https://​zoom​.us/).
  3. The registered candidates will be emailed the zoom link to join the talk a day prior to the event. 
  4. Please visit the PKC website (https://​www​.pkc​.org​.in/​e​v​ents/) to see the list of talks arranged and being arranged and also our YouTube Channel (https://​www​.youtube​.com/​c​/​P​u​n​e​K​n​o​w​l​e​d​g​e​C​l​u​s​t​e​r​/​f​e​a​tured) to watch earlier lectures organized by the Pune Knowledge Cluster (PKC).

Register using the link: https://​bit​.ly/​3​H​XzwKh

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