
Science Communication: Moving Beyond Publication

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Event Details

DBT/​Wellcome Trust India Alliance (India Alliance) is pleased to host an Online Workshop on Science Communication: Moving Beyond Publication’, for students and researchers in Life Sciences in India. This workshop aims to highlight the need for communicating science to non-experts and its value.

The workshop consists of two sessions where the trainers will discuss the craft of writing and speaking about science for a non-specialist audience and how researchers can use this skill to increase the visibility and impact of their research:

Session 1: Popular Science Writing for Researchers

Learn about different formats of science communication — plain-language summaries, research news stories, podcasts, infographics, videos 

Understand how to write a lay summary or news story based on the latest research findings 

The session will introduce and highlight the need of science writing and its value. Attendees will be able to go through various styles and techniques of popular science and understand how to develop their skills as engaging science writers. The session will be particularly useful for researchers who want to engage with the public and make research accessible.

Session 2: Communication Skills for Researchers

Effective use of science communication for career progression 

How and when to disseminate your research — media perspectives 

In this session, attendees will understand how science communication can be used as an opportunity to advance their own career and interests. This session will help attendees understand how to become better communicators for interviews and give a great science talk. Participants will also learn how and when to reach out to the media to communicate research to the public and how media exposure can eventually lead to more collaborations and funding.

Join the workshop on 16 February, 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM IST.

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