
Sci-ROI@India Virtual Launch Event 2022

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Event Details

Sci-ROI@India is excited to announce a virtual launch event during February 18 – 19, 2022 for young Indian STEM professionals from all over the world. We aim to introduce our programs and events catering towards the major focus areas of Sci-ROI@India during this launch event , i.e. collaboration, mentorship and scientific discourse that enables successful launch of early-career researchers in Indian STEM. 

Top experts from the Indian scientific community will attend the event to assist early-career scientists gain more insights on research, funding, collaborative, mentorship opportunities in various STEM sectors in India. Panel discussions will be supplemented with multitude of pre-recorded talks and breakout rooms for networking! Early-career STEM professionals in India will also get a platform to showcase their work in any field of STEM in both academic and non-academic areas.

Abstract Submission deadline 26 January

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