
I Think Biology — Online course

Event Details

Azim Premji University has developed an introductory biology course entitled I Think Biology’ which be hosted on NPTEL platform.

It covers fundamental concepts in biology while departing from the conventional teaching methods. It focuses on capacity building rather than content knowledge by exploring scientific processes and tools, quantitative reasoning, problem-solving, and the art of reading & interpreting scientific literature. The course will cover a wide range of topics spanning from molecules to ecosystems and highlight the relationship between biology, society and our environment. You will also learn various ecological concepts through relevant case studies from India. Most of the content used in this course is from the iThink Biology textbook (https://​ithinkbi​ol​o​gy​.in/).

Course Commencement: 22 January 2024. Enrollment is free, but to receive a formal certificate and academic credit you need to take the final exam by paying a fee of Rs. 1000.
The course is open for enrollment. Click on this link for more details and enrol: https://​onlinecours​es​.nptel​.ac…

Intended Audience: Undergraduates in biology or life sciences/​Educators who are looking to expand their teaching skills / Any interested learners.

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