
Fast-Track Learning In Climate Change And Marine Life

Event Details

Center for Ocean Research, Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai in association with Earth Science and Technology Cell, Ministry of Earth Sciences (ESTC – MoES) and IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (IUCN — CEM) jointly offer this fast track course for the learner who want to know science of climate change and their impact on marine life and ecosystem. The course is specially designed by Dr. E. Vivekanandan, National Consultant, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. The course is interactive, online and attendance is compulsory on both Saturdays, June 12th& 19th, 2021 (2 days online). 


The science of climate change assumes great importance in college education. It is cross-disciplinary and is a subject of challenge for many teachers. Understanding climate change encompasses subject knowledge, information on the environment, and commitment to action. The novelty of the subject and absence of course content is a challenge for teaching climate change. At present, climate change is a minor aspect of other science teaching, and teachers require support to provide effective teaching. This is particularly an issue related to marine science.

The aim of the learning programme is to train the trainers of youth who are studying marine life. The programme is designed virtually on a fast-track mode for two days. Fast Track is an informal way of learning and it provides the quickest and most direct route to achievement of a goal. Fast track learning also saves time for the learners. It is a great opportunity to quickly learn about the dynamics of global warming and climate change related issues with reference to marine life.


1) Disseminating climate change information related to marine life

2) Developing the capacities of teachers to facilitate learning of climate change impact, adaptation and mitigation

3) Helping the teachers to integrate climate change content into their lesson plans

4) Broad topics to be covered

5) Understanding climate change (1 day)

6) Addressing climate change (0.5 day)

7) Strengthening teaching and research on climate change (0.5 day)

For more details click here.

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