EMBO | IndiaBioscience Workshop on Oral Communication in Science
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Event Details
EMBO | IndiaBioscience Online Seminars
A successful scientific career requires many skills that go beyond the topics taught in a scientific curriculum. In our shared commitment to promoting life sciences, EMBO and IndiaBioscience have joined efforts to bring to the scientific community in India online seminars to update and practice soft skills, which include communication, grant writing, publishing and scientific integrity. Our trainings are tailored specifically to the needs of researchers at early career stages and aim at improving both the quality and the quantity of research output in the medium and long term. We launched this initiative in April 2020.
Workshop on Oral Communication of Science
Whether you are networking, explaining your poster or showing your PPT slides, you are constantly called upon to explain and justify your research orally. This workshop will give you strategies and tools to do so clearly and convincingly. Participants will be introduced to the foundations of effective oral and visual communication of scientific and technical information, supported by findings from neuroscience, linguistics, and marketing.
The workshop consists of two independent parts: an open component for which only registration is needed to attend + a closed component where attendance is application based.
A more detailed overview of the workshop is provided below.
- Open Component
A two-hour training webinar titled ‘Fundamentals of Oral Communication in Science’ which will cover the basics of oral communication in science. This session is open to the public and will include a long Q&A session when the attendees can interact with the trainer.
- Closed Component
21 participants will be selected to be a part of the closed component of this workshop. Please visit the ‘Apply’ section for details on how to apply for the workshop.
Two assignments will be a part of this workshop- a compulsory 5‑minute poster presentation and an optional 5‑minute oral presentation. Individualised feedback and evaluation will be provided for both assignments.
Small group practice session/s:
Workshop participants will be subdivided into small groups where they can practice their assignments. Each group will be mentored by an experienced Principal Investigator/Group Leader.
Final Presentation:
Workshop participants will present their poster presentation (compulsory assignment) to the entire group and get detailed feedback from the workshop trainer and a small group mentor.
Peer Network:
A closed group will be created for all the workshop participants to discuss their presentations and provide feedback for each other. This network will carry on beyond the duration of this workshop.