
Developing Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: The Journey of Module Innovations

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PKC’s Health talk series aims to promote active discussions on mapping, tracking, mitigation, and understanding the impact of diseases at a city level. The series hosts talks, stakeholder meetings, and workshops to highlight health issues that plague the city and potential measures for their mitigation. It will also showcase research and clinical and technological advances in the healthcare ecosystem.

Entrepreneurship in life sciences is challenging and is coupled with long product development life-cycles. While the biotech startups are seeing a rise in investments, it was a different scenario a few years back. In this talk Mr. Sachin Dubey will share Module Innovation’s journey from a company that started in an incubation center to a company that is now funded through investments from several countries, working towards making precision diagnostics for infectious diseases and Anti- Microbial Resistance. He will share the highs and lows of his entrepreneurial journey and talk about what keeps him motivated to work towards his dream.

Registration Link: https://​bit​.ly/​3​8​OudPQ

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