
Bridging Nature with Data Science

Event Details

Azim Premji University (Bhopal campus) is organising an online workshop on Bridging Nature with Data Science’ on 18 – 19 June 2024. The workshop aims to focus on some of the most pressing environmental problems and discuss applications of data science in addressing those issues

There is no registration fee for the workshop. They have limited seats available for the workshop. Registrations for the workshop close on 9 June 2024 (Sunday) midnight. 

Please register by clicking on the following link:

Who should attend: Motivated undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students. Faculties and working professionals are also welcome to join.

Dates: 18 – 19 June 2024

Registration deadline: 9 June 2024

Research activities in natural sciences are becoming more and more interdisciplinary and adopting several modern tools and technologies from data science. In this data-driven revolution in fields like natural science, students and researchers, especially those from non-technical backgrounds, often face theoretical and applied challenges. The workshop aims to discuss data science tools and technologies in a lucid language and how these technologies can be used to address some of the most pressing environmental challenges.

Highlights of the workshop:

  • Working Principles of Artificial Intelligence
  • Basics of machine learning methods (classification, regression, Bayesian)
  • Spatial ecology and geographic information system
  • Applications of data science technologies in natural sciences
  • Hands-on sessions in open-source platforms (R and Q‑GIS)
  • Collaborative opportunities

For more details see the workshop webpage at https://​azim​premji​u​ni​ver​si​ty​.edu​.in/​e​v​e​n​t​s​/​2​0​2​4​/​b​r​i​d​g​i​n​g​-​n​a​t​u​r​e​-​w​i​t​h​-​d​a​t​a​-​s​c​ience

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