3D Laser Lithography for Fabricating Nano and Microstructures
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Event Details
IIT Bombay cordially invite you to participate in a virtual workshop on 3D Laser Lithography for Fabricating Nano and Microstructures – 3DLitho-2021 to be held on 2nd Sept. 2021 (10 am – 5:15 pm IST).
Scientists working in the field of lithography and laser writing will give talks. Experts from Nanoscribe, Germany will give a live demonstration on 3D Laser Lithography.
They will also be giving a demonstration of our 3D Laser Lithography facility situated at IIT Bombay, India.
Registration fee:
Students/Research-scholars/ Post-Docs: Rs. 200/- | Faculty: Rs. 500/- | Corporate: Rs. 1000/-|
For Foreign participants
Students/Research-scholars/ Post-Docs: USD 10 | Faculty: USD 30 | Corporate: USD 50
E‑certificate will be provided to the registered participants.
Please find the program schedule for more details.