Project Associate – II
CDFD, an autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, invites applications from Indian nationals for the post of Project Associate – II purely temporary vacancy in a research project funded by DBT.
The selected candidate will be trained in methods to generate CRISPR knockout mice, and will be responsible for generating knockout mouse strains for multiple projects.
Age Limit: 35 years
(i) ₹ 35,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests — CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
(ii) ₹ 28,000/- + HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Masters Degree in Natural or Agricultural Sciences / MVSc or bachelors degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent
2 years experience in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organisations and Scientific activities and services.
Desirable: Experience in molecular biology, plasmid cloning, PCR, gel electrophoresis. Experience in working with laboratory animals will be a plus.
To Apply
Interested candidates, who fulfill the above conditions, should apply in the prescribed application form ONLINE, wherein the candidate is also required to submit a Statement of Purpose (maximum 200 words), emphasizing how his/her experience/expertise will contribute to research programs of CDFD. The link for the application form is available at…
Please upload soft copies of certificates in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, reservation category (if applicable). Please contact <> for any queries. The last date for submitting online applications is 08.01.2024.
Incomplete applications, applications without Statement of Purpose, and applications without copies of certificates in support of date of birth / educational qualifications / experience / reservation category (if applicable) or the applications received after the last date are liable to be rejected.