About the series

As part of a new Virtual Town Hall Series, IndiaBioscience aims to initiate discussions on contemporary themes relevant to life science research and careers in India. The themes will cover topics such as grants and fellowships, data and policy, education, and evolving aspects of life science research, among other aspects.

Importantly, the series will benefit PhD researchers, Postdoctoral fellows, and Young Investigators, as they interact with colleagues, administrators, funding agencies, previous grant awardees and policy-makers. In doing so, the Town Hall Series follows IndiaBioscience’s mandate of facilitating discussions on the changing life science ecosystem in India. 

Virtual Town Hall #1

The revised Ramalingswami Re-entry Fellowships: opportunities and challenges 

Date: 31 January 2024, Wednesday 

Time: 5:00 — 6:30 pm IST | 11:30 – 1:00 pm UTC (the time has been chosen to allow for maximum participation across time zones)

- Introduction to Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowships

- Revisions to the Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship guidelines 

- Experiences of previous fellows (during application, during the fellowship)

- Opportunities after the Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship

- Tips for prospective Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship applicants

Prospective and interested applicants:
This is intended to be an informative and interactive session. Please come with your questions for the panelists! 

For more information on the Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowships 2023 – 2024, click here.


To register, please follow the link: https://​bit​.ly/​T​o​w​n​H​a​llRLS

Registration is free and open to all.


  • 5:00 pm IST

    Welcome and Introduction

    Rohini Karandikar

  • 5:05 pm IST

    The revised Ramalingaswami Fellowships

    Karishma S Kaushik

  • 5:15 pm IST

    Insights from the panel


  • 6:05 pm IST

    Audience Q&A

    Open to all

  • 6:25 pm IST

    Concluding Remarks and Wrap up


In alphabetical order


In alphabetical order

Contact us

For queries related to this online event or to share your ideas ahead of the event, write to hello[at]indiabioscience[dot]org.