
TNQ Inspiring Science Awards 2025

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TNQ Inspiring Science Awards aims to recognise and reward quality science, inspire scholarship, and support researchers to pursue their passion by selecting the best published paper in the Life Sciences by a student from India each year.

The Award was announced in January 2016, at The TNQ Distinguished Lectures in the Life Sciences in Bengaluru. At the launch, Dr Emilie Marcus, ex-CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Cell Press, said, Building on the successful tradition of the lectureship in inspiring students to pursue their passion with careers in scientific research, we are creating TNQ Inspiring Science Awards in association with the lectures. The idea for this award was brought forth to us by Professor Anuranjan Anand of JNCASR and we would like to express our thanks and appreciation to him for helping extend the impact of the lecture series in promoting young Indian scientists.

TNQ Inspiring Science Awards medal, an Apple laptop, a citation, and a travel fellowship to a conference of their choosing anywhere in the world


  • This Award is exclusively for published research papers in the Life Sciences.
  • The Award is open to scientists who are registered for a PhD, up to scientists in the 4th year of their post-doctorate programme.
  • The paper should have already been accepted and published online in a journal either as an accepted manuscript publication or a corrected proof publication.
  • Only full length research papers are eligible to apply. Other article types such as Editorial, Review, etc. are not eligible.
  • The scientist must have been affiliated to a research institution or university based in India, where the research must have been conducted.
  • Papers with co-authors (Indian or international) are also eligible for consideration. However, the Award will be given only to the submitting author.
  • In cases where the paper has multiple authors, all other co-authors are required to submit a no-objection declaration to isa@​tnq.​co.​in.
  • The paper must be uploaded as an attachment with your entry, supported by a proof of publication link. Entries as links to sites that are behind paywalls or firewalls are not acceptable.

To Apply

The Award’s jury comprises over 40 eminent scientists from across the country, organised in four geographic panels to avoid conflict of interest. Every paper is evaluated by a minimum of three jury members. The top two papers from each panel are evaluated again by panel chairs, and two internationally renowned scientists who are independent of the jury process. They do not make any information on the jury publicly available.

For more details click here

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