
Dr. Yellapragada Subbarow FABA Young Innovator Award 2024


The Federation of Asian Biotech Associations (FABA), a prestigious non-profit organization dedicated to promoting academy-industry interactions and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, is proud to announce the call for applications for the coveted Dr. Yellapragada Subbarow FABA Young Innovator Award 2024 sponsored by NATCO Pharma.” This award, honored with an unrestricted research grant of Rs. 5,00,000 celebrates innovative contributions in drug discovery, or the translation of research into impactful prototypes/​products in biotechnology by young scientists and entrepreneurs under the age of 35 years. We invite emerging researchers who are pushing the boundaries of innovation to apply.

Nominate Deserving Young Scientists or self-nominate!
Who Can Nominate?
● Peer Nominations: Colleagues, mentors, and institutions are invited to nominate young scientists and entrepreneurs whose innovations have significantly impacted the drug discovery sector.
● Self-Nominations: We encourage driven individuals, to nominate themselves if they are spearheading novel advancements in the drug discovery sector.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Young scientists under the age of 35 years as of 15th July 2024.
  • Innovators with outstanding contributions evidenced by peer-reviewed publications, patents, or developed prototypes/​products/​processes.
  • Submit a 1 – 2 page describing your innovation, its development, application, and potential impact, as an online application, following the below format.

Award Benefits:
● National recognition as a leader among young innovators.
● An opportunity to network with industry leaders and peers at the FABA annual conference.
● A platform to showcase their research to potential collaborators and investors.

To Apply

For more details click here

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