
Short-term fellowships for early career post-doctoral life scientists 

Institute for Advanced Study


The College for Life Sciences, a junior programme of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study), announces the availability of short-term fellowships for early career post-doctoral life scientists to live and work in a unique, interdisciplinary environment at the Wissenschaftskolleg’s campus.

The fellowship enables you to step back from your demanding lab work and teaching duties and provides time to work on your research questions, to develop your career goals, to establish crucial cooperations and to broaden your horizon. You will work among leading scientists of all academic disciplines as well as outstanding intellectuals who are Fellows of the Wissenschaftskolleg.

We invite applications from post-doctoral researchers as well as junior principal investigators (lecturers, junior/​assistant professors) working in all life science disciplines.There are no restrictions regarding life science discipline, nationality or age.Applications from scientists working at institutions in Berlin cannot be taken into consideration.


We invite applications from post-doctoral researchers as well as junior principal investigators (lecturers, junior/​assistant professors) working in all life science disciplines.

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