NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Awards 2016
The National Academy of Sciences India
The Scopus Young Scientist Awards were first launched by Elsevier in 2006. In 2009, India officially adopted the program within its scientific community through Elsevier’s collaboration with NASI. The program honors young researchers who are building their careers in academic research, helping them gain recognition for their work.
Awards will be given in the following 9 areas of Science, Technology & Medicine:
•Biological sciences
•Earth, Oceanographic & Environmental Studies
•Social Sciences
•An Indian citizen, residing and working in India
•Have completed atleast PhD/MD or equivalent degree
•Must be born on or after January 1st, 1976.
To Apply
The candidates who fulfill the above criteria can fill the application form, take a print and along with the desired documents (mention in the application form), send it to:
Manish Uniyal
Marketing Manager
Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd.
14th Floor, Building No. 10B
DLF Cyber City, Phase II, Gurgaon- 122002, Haryana
Recommendations for your work would be appreciated and can give you an edge over others but is optional. If you have any recommendation for your work, download the recommendation form from link below. Get it filled from recommending person and send it along with your application.
Note: Maximum of two Recommendations per application is allowed.