
DBT Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships and DBT Energy Biosciences Chairs

Department of Biotechnology


Department of Biotechnology is running this scheme for scientists of Indian origin working in the field of Energy Biosciences (including Biofuels, Bioenergy etc.).

DBT Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships aims to bring back young scientists of Indian origin working overseas and who are desirous of returning to India and pursuing, complementing and enhancing quality of R&D in energy related biosciences in an Indian institution.The DBT Energy Biosciences Chairs is aimed at engaging senior scientists of Indian origin working in modern biological sciences, and who are desirous of pursuing, complementing and enhancing quality of R&D in energy related biosciences in Indian institutions.

Awardees can work in any of the scientific institutions/​universities in the country subject to availability of required infrastructure for proposed proposal. Application should be routed through the Indian Institution (Host Institution) where the awardee wishes to avail the fellowship.

For proposal Guidelines and format refer to : ict​mum​bai​.edu​.in, http://​www​.dbtin​dia​.nic​.in/pro…


DBT Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships
The applicant should possess a PhD in relevant areas and/​or an outstanding track record reflected in publications and other recognitions. Only candidate of Indian origin working overseas are eligible to apply

DBT Energy Biosciences Chairs

The applicant should possess a Ph.D. with 15 – 20 years of research experience, out of which 15 years should be in the energy biosciences related areas. Scientists in the age group of 50 – 65 years are eligible to apply.

To Apply

The application along with relevant documents duly forwarded by the competent authority of the intended host Institution where the awardee want to work, may be sent to Dr. Gunjan Prakash, DBT-ICT Centre for Energy Biosciences, Institute of Chemical Technology, Nathalal Parikh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai 400 019 India, Email:[email protected] in the prescribed format that can be downloaded from the website : http://​www​.ict​mum​bai​.edu​.in/

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